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First I want to report that I have been looking at myself for more that a year now and I think I am kind of free from fear and definitely free from any sort of guilt! Life is good too.

Just wanted to ask what will be the quality of life after death (after body and mind as I know it stops to exist). Although I am not afraid of death (I think!), I am really curious to know what happens to life and how I am going to experience it after death.

My answer to this question is that after death I will feel exactly the same as before I was born: it feels like nothing!!

I will appreciate any comments.



First I want to report that I have been looking at myself for more that a year now and I think I am kind of free from fear and definitely free from any sort of guilt! Life is good too.

Just wanted to ask what will be the quality of life after death (after body and mind as I know it stops to exist). Although I am not afraid of death (I think!), I am really curious to know what happens to life and how I am going to experience it after death.

My answer to this question is that after death I will feel exactly the same as before I was born: it feels like nothing!!

I will appreciate any comments.

Dear Agnosus,

I read your posting and responded to it during our Open House on January 16, 2013.

Please let me know if more is needed.



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a husband and wife team through
the Just One Look Foundation


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