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Question: Transformation of Selfish & Destructive Behaviours


I've noticed in some of your earlier writings that you indicate the main effect of the fear of life vanishing is that the feeling that there's something wrong with your life vanishes. In some ways, your early writings give the impression that this is the only effect of the practice of looking at the feeling of you.

I've also noticed that more recently, you identify that all kinds of dysfunctional behaviour disappear as well. You've suggested that the fear of life is the root cause of many, if not most, of the problems in our world. It seems then that looking rids us of a lot of harmful ways of acting, by removing the fear at the base of them.

Can you comment on this a bit more? Specifically, I am wondering: to what extent are harmful and selfish behaviours ended by the act of looking, and to what extent is it that you no longer see your own "negative" human behaviours as something that is a problem, and accept them as part of your humanness?



I've noticed in some of your earlier writings that you indicate the main effect of the fear of life vanishing is that the feeling that there's something wrong with your life vanishes. In some ways, your early writings give the impression that this is the only effect of the practice of looking at the feeling of you.

I've also noticed that more recently, you identify that all kinds of dysfunctional behaviour disappear as well. You've suggested that the fear of life is the root cause of many, if not most, of the problems in our world. It seems then that looking rids us of a lot of harmful ways of acting, by removing the fear at the base of them.

Can you comment on this a bit more? Specifically, I am wondering: to what extent are harmful and selfish behaviours ended by the act of looking, and to what extent is it that you no longer see your own "negative" human behaviours as something that is a problem, and accept them as part of your humanness?

Dear Craig,

I read your posting and responded to it during our Open House on April 17, 2013.

Please let me know if more is needed.



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