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Death and loss...

Hi John,

At the last Webinar I was dying to ask you a question, but I kind of held back as I knew you would not be overly keen to answer it given that it was not related to the looking. But it so happened that a participant asked a very similar question at the end of the Webinar and your response brought some relief to my heart.

I have no trace of doubt that what you say is true and that if we just do the looking, none of these questions would matter any more. But I am currently at a point where this question occupies such a huge part of my consciousness, making it hard for me to focus on the looking. So if you speak to me (whether privately or at the Webinar) about this, I would be SO thankful.

My beloved pet cat died at an unexpected tragic car accident recently. I loved her so dearly. I have been grieving so heavily and profoundly, completely paralyzed. I have gradually been able to reach acceptance and returning to normal life. But for a grieving person one question always matters most: what has happened to my loved one? Have I actually 'lost' her, forever? Is she happy? Is she in existence?

And then that raises so many other questions about animals and people who suffer greatly in this world. What happens to them after death? Will they finally reach comfort and satisfaction?

If you choose to answer my question, I would be so grateful.

With much love and appreciation,


P.S. And I have to say, on some level I do know the answer to my questions... But I just need to hear them from you...


Hi John,

At the last Webinar I was dying to ask you a question, but I kind of held back as I knew you would not be overly keen to answer it given that it was not related to the looking. But it so happened that a participant asked a very similar question at the end of the Webinar and your response brought some relief to my heart.

I have no trace of doubt that what you say is true and that if we just do the looking, none of these questions would matter any more. But I am currently at a point where this question occupies such a huge part of my consciousness, making it hard for me to focus on the looking. So if you speak to me (whether privately or at the Webinar) about this, I would be SO thankful.

My beloved pet cat died at an unexpected tragic car accident recently. I loved her so dearly. I have been grieving so heavily and profoundly, completely paralyzed. I have gradually been able to reach acceptance and returning to normal life. But for a grieving person one question always matters most: what has happened to my loved one? Have I actually 'lost' her, forever? Is she happy? Is she in existence?

And then that raises so many other questions about animals and people who suffer greatly in this world. What happens to them after death? Will they finally reach comfort and satisfaction?

If you choose to answer my question, I would be so grateful.

With much love and appreciation,


P.S. And I have to say, on some level I do know the answer to my questions... But I just need to hear them from you...

Dear Sahba,

I read your posting and responded to it during our Open House on April 17, 2013.

Please let me know if more is needed.


John Sherman

Dear Sahba,

I read your posting and responded to it during our Open House on April 17, 2013.

Please let me know if more is needed.


Thank you so much John. It was helpful. Your conversation with the gentleman afterwards was also very helpful. I think I need to listen to it a few times...

Sorry it took me a little while to listen to it/respond. It took me a little while to be ready to listen to the recording of the meeting.

Much love,



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