Just One Look Forum Archives
Using the Just One Look Method
I was inspired by John tonight after listening to the online meeting on Saturday 19th July, 2014; thank you John for caring and also for sharing this beautiful simple message of Looking Within. I have to admit I would go days without Looking Within and I'd feel guilty for not doing so, because when I did Look Within I was amazed to find such beautiful stillness. All worries and fears would cease and a limitless calmness would engulf me, and yet I would feel as free as a bird.
Why then would I forget to do the practise? I can blame my health which hasn't been good for 10 years, but that would be a convenient excuse! Was it laziness? Well whatever it was it got me down! And so the remedy is to do make sure I remember to do it as often as I am able to!
I have just Looked Within prior to writing this and was again happily stunned at the beautiful simplicity of this method. No belief system required is also a great 'seller' because I dislike belief systems! In fact I am wary of belief systems as they suffocate the act of free thought and the ability to explore whatever arises!
Many, many heartfelt thanks to you John and Carla!
No need to worry about not looking, you will do so whenever it's needed.
What is more interesting to me is whether you notice any difference in your ordinary day-to-day experience of the natural unfolding of your life. Bear in mind that the difference I am asking about would probably not be very dramatic; maybe just less troubled and agitated than in the past.
John Sherman
No need to worry about not looking, you will do so whenever it's needed.
What is more interesting to me is whether you notice any difference in your ordinary day-to-day experience of the natural unfolding of your life. Bear in mind that the difference I am asking about would probably not be very dramatic; maybe just less troubled and agitated than in the past.
John, I can answer this with an affirmative YES to being less troubled and agitated than before! Even in response to my wife passing out and collapsing I responded calmy and the situation unfolded without any drama. I still fail and fall back into believing I am the character in the story, but its becoming less and less. These past 12 months have been amazing as without any effort I've arrived at a most beautiful place! The urgent need to read books and watch videos have lessened, if I forget to read a chapter of a book I no longer have a guilt trip! Something inside me has relaxed.
This week I am remembering to look more! And then I remember - I am always looking!
I am, but I am not seeking this, experiencing what I will call bliss periods; they last anything from a couple of minutes, to a couple of days.
I am still an infrequent looker! However I am trying to be more alert and indulge in inward looking. I am still calm at my center, but occasionally have dark periods - or dark nights of the soul.
Another habit which has dissipated is my need to buy yet one more non-duality book, and my lifetime love of watching football is lessening. I now see 22 men running around with a ball!
My taste buds have changed, my coffee input has dropped by 90% !!! Whether this has anything to do with inward looking I cannot say for sure.