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Using the Just One Look Method
Dear John,
Today I feel to write you an email. But what I like to write about is not the vichara. This has become as clear to me, as was possible in the time, since I put all my effort in this, and, astonishingly this still goes on. But there is a clear permanence of self-experience now. There is no question anymore, where I am--the "what" (to be seen) changes so permanent, because I have no "real" (how to say better?) shape. It is not easy to suggest the vichara, I found out. And if someone is for years in this "spiritual discussion" (or however one likes to talk about this), it is nearly too simple, to be put in consideration by the person, one is in discusses with. But I don't know, if I ever told you about my experience, in which I met "god" (how to name this?) This is about 5 years ago, and it was just happening I watched a satsang with you on youtube. I suddenly, for a second, saw "god", and he showed me, not to say how, that all is working perfect. The picture I got, was of a man in a white suit, just a normal man, standing beside a computer, looking at me, and looking at me, I was looking at myself, as if I saw myself a long, long, long time ago. An the whole universe was a simulation in this computer. That was the picture I got, say, how I could get this, with the understanding of mind.
So, these days, I try to look a bit more through, how the universe "works", what this is, we call universe in its shape. Because "eternity" has somehow a relation to "shape", "life", I could the best compare with a computer simulation. The existing thing with the so called "eternity" is, that it has a higher reality than time and space, that "the spirit" we are, is somehow more real than that what happens. But this is just only "closest", I can describe the reality of life in relation to the here, what is "eternity". "Eternity" is not a addition of all time--it is something, that is more real than time, and time an space are somehow virtual to "etenity". One has always to be careful, to take understating as "it is like this an that--it is more an attempt to come closer to the truth of life. On the other hand, I see, that all somehow goes on on itself, what does not mean one has to do or not to do, what only means, there is no real instance, that decides on its own. There is just no separate being, that could decide, because all decisions happen in the move of the whole universe.
Sorry, I write such a long text, but if I start to talk about, I always write a book. ;-) Now, with this idea of "global awakening", I really do my best, but I also see, that it is not easy, not easy, out of what I experienced the last years. OK, it is now (only) 4 years, I call myself "awakened", what I just do this, because others always claim, no one can be awakened, because no one exists. But this is also somehow mindfuck, because, also if no one exists, I exist--and then, what should be that, that is awakened? it is myself. So all one does in the discussion is somehow to find a balance, a pointer. But I am still in this try to suggest--even my way took somehow another direction than yours. The problem is also, if one is engaged in normal life with a job, one has also to be careful not to be looked at as a fool, talking about such things, and maybe face problems in the job, if this is known. So internet suits best for me, to try this. But what I wanted somehow to express, all we do is somehow up to this "eternity", and I try to figure out, what can be done - but I am far away from a solution. ;-) Enjoy! Tobias
Hello Tobias,
Yes, of course, all that is done is only the surface of the impenetrable mystery of the movements within an ocean of cause and effect within a universe, an eternity, that is itself that very ocean of cause and effect. And the surface itself is forever continuously evaporating, vanishing, reforming. But this understanding, sweet though it may be, is literally nonsensical, and totally useless. There is no semantic content to it, no cause for either action or inaction, and it too finally evaporates for the last time leaving us at home in our lives, unconcerned about such useless pursuits that once seemed so fraught with significance.
There is never a need to contend with anyone about anything, the impulse to interrogate arising phenomena as to their nature, their portent, their meaning, their intent, and so forth is a symptom of the disease, and will pass, although there can be a periods of dark speculation regarding the feeling of profound sinfulness that seems to lurk in my recognition of me, and in my disinterest in human misery as mere melodrama.
There is no need to require agreement with any core principle of this work, because there is no core principle, no doctrine whatsoever to believe or reject, the act is all of it, the act of inward looking in an effort to get the direct experience of the feeling of you for just an instant. No need to present any understanding of its power, no need to dispute any understanding that might offer itself; only try to encourage all to try the act. Point out its indisputable harmlessness, and the ease with which it can be accomplished, and encourage all just to try it. Nothing more is needed.
I wish I knew German, Tobias, so that I could speak to you in your own tongue, but I am confident that your command of English is more than enough to understand what I say. If not, please let me know.
"There is no need to require agreement with any core principle of this work, because there is no core principle, no doctrine whatsoever to believe or reject, the act is all of it, the act of inward looking in an effort to get the direct experience of the feeling of you for just an instant. No need to present any understanding of its power, no need to dispute any understanding that might offer itself; only try to encourage all to try the act. Point out its indisputable harmlessness, and the ease with which it can be accomplished, and encourage all just to try it. Nothing more is needed."
I love this! And at the same time I can still feel the automated unconscious response that says something like: "That's not right! I have been doing all the right things for years, and now you're saying that none of it is necessary! My beliefs and years of practices keep me safe and make me feel good! And you're saying that I don't need them! I'm scared! This is freaking me out!" This is an attempt at describing the UNCONSCIOUS feeling, and not meant to be derisive.
Tobias, the Internet suits me well too! It is an extension of our neural network and it is expanding conscious evolution all over the globe! I think the "Just One Look" experiment is like a shot in the arm of antibiotics for an infected humanity! But of course, we need to honestly try to do it.
Mike H.