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Me or Emma


What is the difference between looking at 'me' and looking at 'Emma'?

With thanks,


I wouldn't let Emma get in the way of looking at you. You can get snarled up in name recognition and the story of you in the looking. Trimpi

Me or Emma

Me or Emma

Hi Emma,

Check out John's ebook The Fear of Life to see how Emma developed. You'll see that "me" was there before Emma.


Hello Trimpi and LeraJane,

Sorry for the delay but I am having great difficulty logging in and getting the site to let me in lol!

Thanks for your replies. I was 'fishing' really for pointers to get past the 'parade of phenomena' or to understand the depth of that which isn't me. But I think maybe I am just over-complicating and should just keep looking. I am having fun with the looking, also angsting over doing it 'right'... but I know to just go back to the looking and let it unfold. It is counter-intuitive though, after all the spiritual seeking and reading and yearning, to just let it be and let it happen...

Enjoying all the thoughful comments here!

With thanks,



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