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Carla's Experience

Dear John & Carla,

I want to ask a question that I've never heard come up before, but that seems relevant to this community, and I hope it's not a taboo topic or anything.

You (John) are asked about and speak extensively about your own experience with the looking and your course of recovery (for which we are all grateful) but I have hardly ever heard anything about Carla's recovery. I mean, since as far as I know she's the only person besides you that has come so long through the recovery process, it seems to me that her own experience would be virtually as pertinent and useful as yours, and probably deserves to be recounted here more than any of ours.

I assume that Carla was introduced to the looking from you? What was her background in spirituality? Once she successfully looked, how did her recovery play out and how long did it take? Did it follow the three stages that you tentatively outlined in the May 13th World-Wide Meeting? If I remember right, they were: 1) crisis & feverishness, 2) confusion & growing pains, 3) continual falling away of "cardboard" neurotic automatons?

If Carla had any prior spiritual "indoctrination", did that make her recovery more grueling or acute? Before the looking, did she have anywhere near as much difficulty with neurosis in her life as you had in yours?

I'm speaking of her in the third person, but obviously she is welcome to respond herself.

I'm just warmly curious. It seems like this would be enlightening, no puns intended, and encouraging.


Also wondering

Hi all,

I too have often wondered what Carla's experience has been....would love to hear about it.


For me it's important to contribute or not contribute in any way that feels good to me. It's all idiosyncratic as is the wondering I guess. All I know is that without Carla's contribution to get this work out there there would not be much happening. Her love and committment speaks for itself. Endless thanks.


Maureen I

For me it's important to contribute or not contribute in any way that feels good to me. It's all idiosyncratic as is the wondering I guess. All I know is that without Carla's contribution to get this work out there there would not be much happening. Her love and committment speaks for itself. Endless thanks.

I know, I'm so indebted and grateful to her for her dedication in making all this available! So I want to know a little more about the amazing woman behind all this. I mean, I put forth this question only if Carla wants to offer anything, assured that it would be very welcome.

Well guys,

The reason you don't hear much from me about my experience is that I really don't have the time to do it. There is always so much work to be done... Every time I think I will have some time to sit down and write about it, I have to go do something else.

But I am still planning to record a report about my experience with looking at myself for the podcast. And when I do, I'll post it here too. Thank you for your patience...

@Gerrit: I am happy to tell you all about my experience, when I have a chance. But I can tell you right now:

You are not alone. We all go through the same craziness once we look. I had my share of craziness too. And it went away after a while.

The best thing to do is to focus on your own recovery. Be patient with yourself and wait.




Wow! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I know how tremendously busy you are, but it's wonderful to hear your encouragement to just hang in there and be patient.

I have to say that when I saw Gerrit's question, I was really happy that someone was asking about your experience, something I've always been curious about too. We all have so much admiration for you and all that you do to support this work. I'm really looking forward to hearing the podcast with your experience whenever there's a break and the action and you have time to record it.

Thanks again and much love,




Dear Carla,

Thank you for everything. I genuinely look forward to hearing whatever you have to say, but there's certainly no rush here, whether it be in a month or a year or whenever.

Thank you for your words of encouragement. Somehow they strike true, though I don't know how or why they should be so powerful. Thank you again. I'll do the best that I possibly can to be patient and wait, and to remember that I'm not alone.

With appreciation,



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