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Living naturally at last

About the mystery of the looking. The first time I recognized what John was pointing to, was when in attempting to look at some idea of me I jumped into a swimming pool and was flooded with sensation and I actually thought that this clearly is me... And from then on I just looked at whatever was going on feeling myself in there as not at all separated from the experience. This was the first break from the spiritualizing of my life, seeing it is about natural living.

This has been the core of the flow through to looking at me as everything here in life.

And the way I live my life has completely changed.

Recently I have been living on my own (just a two week break) It is so easy and joyous and does not require any effort to set fear aside (like closing the curtains so fear will not arise from the outside.) And it is quite clear this is because the looking has connected me with myself so instead of having to be still and meditate to make being alone an enjoyable event, it is, just naturally.

And this has confirmed the fact that the whole spiritual way of being has dropped away. That the looking has completely brought to an end the search for anything.

In fact the life I am living is now devoted to doing the things I want to do and one of these is learning oil painting which is quite a demanding discipline. And this is being embraced with gusto and determination and an open heart. It is unbelievable since most of my life has been spent in reaction to discipline of all sorts. I am free to do just what I want to do.

Also I have an issue with my digestion and it became clear that I had to restrict my diet drastically. In the past this would have made me frantic with longing but now I am just getting on with it, making mistakes and recovering as best I can. It is just that there is the recognition that now this needs to be done.

Clarity has arisen naturally and with it so much ease and love that life is sheer joy.

I am sharing this to encourage everyone else: The looking is amazing and radical and brings about real freedom.

love to all


More encouragement always welcome!

Well thank you for sharing this. It's great to hear your patent success. Frankly, it's always good to add another person to the list of people who have actually been helped dramatically and undeniably by this, so thanks for giving us a little more faith.

I'm curious: How long have you been doing the looking? Was the recovery particularly bad? If so, how did you deal with it?


Great to hear your report

Hi Helen,

It's wonderful to hear that you can be yourself at last.

Love and Light,


living naturally


Well thank you for sharing this. It's great to hear your patent success. Frankly, it's always good to add another person to the list of people who have actually been helped dramatically and undeniably by this, so thanks for giving us a little more faith.

I'm curious: How long have you been doing the looking? Was the recovery particularly bad? If so, how did you deal with it?


Hi Gerrit

The recovery took quite a few years and is infact still happening in some areas of my life. And I never know what will catch hold of me and shake me to my core.

THe fear of life manifested in me as insecurity and though I have battled with it all my life it was only after about 5 years that I began to notice that this was not colouring my every act. I have just done Johns 5 day intensive and just speaking up on line does set the old neurosis into motion, but if I hang in there with the discomfort it just easily goes away in its own time.

But I have to say that the recovery was not extreemly difficult. I remember a few weeks of fear and then loneliness and then issues of identity. But once it has gone it is hard to remember. But what you might like to know is that dealing with issues became much easier and effective...like sending love to dead ancesters whose horrific deaths in the concentration camps had haunted me all my life and finding that just doing this really eased the inner tension. regards Helen

Thank you Helen,

I don't always have time to keep up with the posts here, but I listened to a podcast the other day in which John read some of your post here. I am so enamored by how subtle this new perspective is, and how incredible it is to start to feel and realize that living naturally is what we always wanted, and is beyond description when your in it, accept perhaps to say that life as it is, in unimprovable--beautiful with contentment beyond reason. While I was reading your post I started to wonder what it might be like if everyone on the planet felt like you do, or like I'm starting to from my perspective.

Lately, a lot of how I used to look at life and feel about myself has been coming to the surface in a way that has me laughing about how utterly stupid I was. At this point I still feel inept as to how to help bring this message to the world, which is somewhat ironic because I used to be really talented at being an eloquent speaker in the realm of spiritual development. The truth has set me free, and struck me dumb, at this point anyways. I hope you and many others will continue to share their experience with this, so that natural living might become the norm for humanity here on this little orb, that somehow keeps floating around an average star on the outskirts in an average galaxy.

Oh and I too have changed my diet somewhat. I realized I was gluten intolerant after all these years and after a month of being gluten free, my body is feeling much better. It's awesome how these opportunities for improvement present themselves these days, and how instead of being obsessed with doing them right, we seem to just follow along as best we can, because it feels natural. Who'd a thought life could be so simple and wonderful?



Your post filled me with joy

Dear Mike

Your post has filled my heart. It is so good to touch in with others who are leaving behind the fear of life. Your report adds to my happiness, so indeed just imagine how the world could be if we all recognised inward looking as the key! love to you Helen

Mike Helsher

Thank you Helen,

I don't always have time to keep up with the posts here, but I listened to a podcast the other day in which John read some of your post here. I am so enamored by how subtle this new perspective is, and how incredible it is to start to feel and realize that living naturally is what we always wanted, and is beyond description when your in it, accept perhaps to say that life as it is, in unimprovable--beautiful with contentment beyond reason. While I was reading your post I started to wonder what it might be like if everyone on the planet felt like you do, or like I'm starting to from my perspective.

Lately, a lot of how I used to look at life and feel about myself has been coming to the surface in a way that has me laughing about how utterly stupid I was. At this point I still feel inept as to how to help bring this message to the world, which is somewhat ironic because I used to be really talented at being an eloquent speaker in the realm of spiritual development. The truth has set me free, and struck me dumb, at this point anyways. I hope you and many others will continue to share their experience with this, so that natural living might become the norm for humanity here on this little orb, that somehow keeps floating around an average star on the outskirts in an average galaxy.

Oh and I too have changed my diet somewhat. I realized I was gluten intolerant after all these years and after a month of being gluten free, my body is feeling much better. It's awesome how these opportunities for improvement present themselves these days, and how instead of being obsessed with doing them right, we seem to just follow along as best we can, because it feels natural. Who'd a thought life could be so simple and wonderful?




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